
Amazon Web Services Networking

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This webinar will help demystify the networking aspects of Amazon Web Services. We'll start with the high-level concepts, cover security aspects, and conclude with inter-VPC routing and hybrid cloud implementations.

Last modified on 2024-01-07 (release notes)


Amazon Web Services Networking

Read This First

New AWS Services and Features 9.4K 2023-11-27

This document lists the new AWS services and new features of existing AWS services that are not yet covered in the webinar materials. If you're planning a bleeding-edge deployment, you might want to read it first.

1:01:23 AWS Concepts

We'll start with high-level concepts:

  • What AWS services are relevant to a networking engineer?
  • What are regions and availability zones?
  • How do you implement high availability in AWS environment?
AWS Services and Components 19:56 2022-12-21
Regions and Availability Zones 10:14 2019-05-25
High Availability in AWS 16:10 2019-05-25
Local Zones and Outposts 15:03 2020-12-18
AWS Services that Support IPv6
AWS Outposts
AWS Fault Isolation Boundaries

Improved IPv6 Support

AWS Network Firewall supports IPv6-only subnets
AWS Gateway Load Balancer supports IPv6 traffic

37:57 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service is the foundation of AWS networking. This section describes VPC concepts, subnets within VPCs, and VPC/subnet addressing.

Virtual Private Cloud 9:33 2023-01-04
VPC Subnets 5:03 2019-05-25
VPC and Subnet Addressing 14:16 2022-12-21
VPC Sharing 9:05 2020-12-18
VPC Scenarios and Examples
User Guide: Working with VPCs
VPC Sharing across AWS Accounts

New AWS Features

Amazon VPC supports multiple IPv6 CIDR blocks

Designing Large-Scale VPN Networks

Designing hyperscale Amazon VPC networks
Network Address Usage for your VPC

1:04:09 Interfaces and Addresses

Subnets are useless without servers connected to them. In this section we'll focus on AWS implementation of VM network interfaces, network interface addressing, and supporting services like DNS and DHCP.

The section also covers advanced concepts like public and private IP addresses, elastic IP addresses, and elastic network interfaces.

Network Interfaces 7:45 2019-05-25
Interface Addressing 16:31 2021-10-11
Bring Your Own Addresses 7:29 2021-10-11
IP Multicast Support 11:47 2021-10-11
DNS and DHCP 7:30 2022-12-21
Sample Deployments 13:07 2019-06-14

Automation Examples

IP Multicast Example
Working with IP Addresses
Working with IP Addresses for Your EC2 Instance
Working with Network Interfaces
Working with Elastic IP Addresses
Bring Your Own IP Addresses
Bring Your Own IPv6 Addresses
IP Multicast implemented in Transit Gateway
Viewing DNS Hostnames for Your EC2 Instance
Working with DHCP Option Sets

Worth Reading

Testing IP Multicast in AWS by Thomas Edwards

New AWS Features

The transfer of Elastic IP addresses between AWS accounts
The IPv6 Subnet default gateway router supports multiple addresses

58:42 Intra-VPC Network Security

AWS offeres several layers of network security within a VPC:

  • Stateful security groups applied to VM interfaces;
  • Stateless network ACLs applied to subnets;
  • Validation of source and destination IP addresses.

All these mechanisms (and the logging and mirroring functionality available with flow logs and VPC traffic mirroring) are described in this section.

Network Security 11:19 2019-06-14
Security Groups 12:53 2019-06-14
Managed Prefix Lists 8:54 2021-10-11
Network ACLs 8:41 2019-06-14
VPC Flow Logs 2:45 2019-06-14
VPC Traffic Mirroring 9:49 2020-12-18
Security Summary 4:21 2019-06-14
Working with Security Groups
Use Prefix Lists to Simplify Configuration of Security Groups
Working with Network ACLs
Example: Controlling Access to Instances in a Subnet
Working with Flow Logs
VPC Traffic Mirroring

More Information

The Security Design of the AWS Nitro System

1:29:13 Securing External Network Traffic

When you want to secure traffic entering or leaving a VPC, you could use a number of AWS services, including:

  • Network Firewall: scale-out layer-4 firewall combined with Suricata IPS
  • Web Application Firewall: a Layer-7 HTTP(S) firewall
  • AWS Shield: a rudimentary DDoS protection service
Web Application Firewall 13:58 2020-12-18
AWS Shield 4:31 2020-12-18

1:10:44 AWS Network Firewall

AWS Network Firewall Overview 22:04 2023-11-27
Configuring Network Firewall 12:49 2021-04-27
Complex Intra-VPC Network Firewall Deployments 21:18 2023-11-27
Complex Network Firewall Deployments 14:33 2021-04-27

Automation Examples

Web Application Firewall Example

New AWS Features

AWS Network Firewall now supports IPv6-only subnets
Ingress TLS inspection on AWS Network Firewall
Tag-based resource groups on AWS Network Firewall
AWS WAF increases web ACL capacity units limits
AWS Network Firewall adds reject action for TCP traffic
AWS Network Firewall now supports VPC prefix lists
AWS Network Firewall now supports AWS Managed Rules
AWS Shield Advanced now supports Application Load Balancer for automatic application layer DDoS mitigation
AWS Shield Advanced introduces automatic application-layer DDoS mitigation

46:38 Route Tables

VPC Route Tables are almost like VRFs with a few significant differences:

  • Route tables are applied to subnets;
  • All route tables share the entry for local VPC CIDR block.

This section describes the route tables and details of packet forwarding within VPC.

Route Tables Overview 13:46 2021-10-11
Working with Route Tables 14:14 2021-10-11
VPC Forwarding Behind the Scenes 14:13 2022-12-21

4:25 From the Design Clinic

Subnet Routing in AWS VPC 4:25 2021-10-01
Working with Route Tables
Managed Prefix Lists

Useful Tools

Synchronize routes between main route table and custom route tables

More Information

Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) Express
A Cloud-Optimized Transport Protocol for Elastic and Scalable HPC
Scalable Reliable Datagram (SRD) Protocol Used By Elastic Fabric Adapter
The Security Design of the AWS Nitro System

27:21 Internet Connectivity

VPC Internet connectivity is usually provided through an Internet gateway. IPv6 hosts that don't provide services to outside clients can use egress-only gateway; similar IPv4 hosts can access Internet through NAT gateway or NAT instance.

This section describes all three mechanisms, and the adjustments to route tables that have to be made to support them.

Internet Connectivity 7:29 2019-12-11
NAT Gateways and Instances 12:08 2022-12-21
VPC Ingress Routing 7:44 2020-12-18
Creating a VPC with an Internet Gateway
Working with Egress-Only Internet Gateways
Working with NAT Gateways
Ingress VPC Routing

New AWS Features

Increased number of concurrent connections on NAT Gateway

3:03:55 External Connectivity

This section describes other external connectivity options available in AWS VPC - IPsec VPN connections, router-to-router VLAN connections (Direct Connect), inter-VPC peering, and Transit Gateways.

VPN Connectivity 21:16 2022-12-21
Direct Connect 20:30 2019-06-14
VPC Peering 9:43 2019-06-14
Transit Gateway 24:22 2022-12-21
Transit Gateway Connect 13:55 2021-11-15
AWS Private Link 35:49 2022-12-21

38:35 Amazon VPC Lattice

Amazon VPC Lattice Overview 17:58 2023-11-27
Configuring and Securing Amazon VPC Lattice 20:37 2023-11-27

Automation Examples

Inter-Region VPC Peering Example

19:45 From the Design Clinic

Impact of Transit Gateway on Application Performance 4:59 2022-03-01
Direct or VPN Access to a Public Cloud 14:46 2023-04-04
Site-to-Site VPN Single and Multiple Connection Examples
VPC Peering Scenarios
Working with VPC Peering Connections
Getting Started with AWS Direct Connect
Working with Transit Gateways
Inter-region VPC peering with Transit Gateways
Inter-region Transit Gateway Peering
AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager
How to integrate third-party firewall appliances into an AWS environment

More Information

Building a Scalable and Secure Multi-VPC Network Infrastructure
AWS Transit Gateway and Multi-VPC Design Options for Hybrid Cloud Architecture
Improve VPN Network Performance of AWS Hybrid Cloud with Global Accelerator
Direct Connect Failover Testing

New AWS Features

AWS Site-to-Site VPN supports IKEv2
Multi-account support for Direct Connect gateway
VPN connections using AWS Global Accelerator
Private IP addresses as endpoints of Site-to-Site VPN
AWS Transit Gateway Intra-Region Peering
AWS announces Amazon VPC Lattice (Preview)

Useful Tools

peerd: AWS VPC Peering Connection management tool

1:24:29 AWS Cloud WAN

AWS Cloud WAN is a managed WAN service that you can use to build a WAN backbone based on enhanced AWS transit gateways. AWS Cloud WAN supports VRF-like segmentation and EBGP routing.

Concepts 14:03 2023-06-22
Components 28:00 2023-06-22
Segments (Routing Domains) 12:18 2023-06-22
Segmentation Examples 19:09 2023-06-22
Quotas and Pricing 10:59 2023-06-22

1:49:23 Load Balancing

AWS provides a variety of load balancing mechanisms, from local L4 load balancing (Network Load Balancing) and HTTP (Application) load balancing to service insertion with Gateway Load Balancer, global load balancing with DNS, and anycast IP addresses.

Elastic Load Balancing 14:29 2022-12-21
Network Load Balancer 10:15 2022-12-21
Application Load Balancer 9:13 2022-12-21
Route 53 and CloudFront 15:47 2022-12-21
Route 53 ARC Zonal Shift 10:36 2023-11-27
Global Accelerator 17:40 2022-12-21
Gateway Load Balancer 27:21 2021-04-27

Automation Examples

Network Load Balancer Example

4:02 From the Design Clinic

Scale-Out Cloud DMZ 4:02 2022-05-30
Create an Application Load Balancer
Create a Network Load Balancer
Getting Started with Global Accelerator
What is a Gateway Load Balancer?

Gateway Load Balancer Blog Posts

Introducing AWS Gateway Load Balancer
AWS Gateway Load Balancer: Supported architecture patterns
Integrate your custom logic or appliance with AWS Gateway Load Balancer
Scaling network traffic inspection using AWS Gateway Load Balancer
Centralized inspection architecture with AWS Gateway Load Balancer and AWS Transit Gateway
GWLB Deployment Patterns

New AWS Features

Application Load Balancer supports TLS 1.3
AWS Gateway Load Balancer supports IPv6 traffic
Network Load Balancer Supports UDP
Application Load Balancer supports advanced request routing
CloudFront supports origin failover
Application Load Balancer as a target for Network Load Balancer
Application Load Balancers now support turning off cross zone load balancing per target group
AWS Gateway Load Balancer launches new option to rebalance flows when target fails or deregisters
Amazon Route 53 launches Geolocation and Latency-Based Routing for Private DNS

Sample Solutions

Building a high available Anycast service using AWS Global Accelerator

1:57:43 Automating AWS Deployments

AWS API has numerous idiosyncrasies: it's a strict Create/Read/Update/Delete API, you need multiple API calls to create an object, objects can be referenced by IDs, but not by names...

This section explains the peculiarities of AWS API, and describes how to use bash scripts, Ansible playbooks, CloudFormation templates, and Terraform configuration files to create, update, or delete anything from a single AWS object to a full-blown application stack.

AWS Automation Principles 18:03 2020-04-13
Creating and Updating a Single Object 19:21 2020-04-13
Example: Create a Single Object with Multiple Automation Tools 11:55 2020-04-13
Creating an Object Hierarchy 18:26 2020-04-13
Using Ansible AWS Modules 11:29 2020-04-13
Example: Use Automation Tools to Create an Object Hierarchy 14:37 2020-04-13
Example: Full Infrastructure Stack Deployment with Ansible 23:52 2020-04-13

New AWS Features

Tag EC2 Resources on Creation

Source Code for Automation Examples

Bash scripts
Ansible playbooks
CloudFormation templates
Terraform configuration files

More Information

This section contains links to interesting third-party blog posts, articles or presentations.

Understanding Data Transfer in AWS

5:56 Summary

Summary 5:56 2019-06-14

Slide Decks

Amazon Web Services Networking 4.3M 2022-12-21
AWS Load Balancing 4.0M 2023-06-06
AWS Firewalls 8.2M 2023-06-06
AWS External Connectivity 9.8M 2023-06-06
Automating AWS Deployments 12M 2020-01-12
AWS Cloud WAN 3.2M 2023-05-22
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