
Introduction to Docker

Home » Webinars » Containers and Docker » Introduction to Docker

This webinar will introduce you to Docker - why everyone's talking about it, what makes it so useful, and how developers and operators use it to improve their workflows. Attendees of this webinar will receive not only a high-level overview of Docker concepts and terminology, but a few practical examples that empower them to use Docker for their own projects immediately.

Last modified on 2024-07-01 (release notes)


Introduction to Docker

1:13:17 Container and Docker Concepts

This section describes container- and Docker basics, contains a few simple demos to spark your interest in Docker containers, and concludes with a brief overview of Linux OS-level virtualization including namespaces, cgroups, and containers.

Container Concepts 16:35 2020-09-07
What Is Docker 16:11 2020-09-07
Demo: Running Simple Containers 16:06 2020-09-07

The Docker commands used in this demo are described in the Basic Docker Commands section. The volume mapping used in Perl and Ansible examples are described in Docker Volumes part of Linux Namespaces section. The complete demo script is here.

If you want to recreate the demos or set up your own lab, clone our Docker Examples GitHub repository, install VirtualBox and Vagrant, and execute vagrant up.

Demo: Running Services in Docker Containers 12:45 2020-09-07

The Docker commands used in this demo are described in details in the Basic Docker Commands and Infrastructure-as-Code with Docker Compose sections. The complete demo script is here

History of Operating System Virtualization 11:40 2020-09-07

This video describes Unix jails and Linux namespaces. For a wider description of compute virtualization technologies watch the Server Virtualization part of Data Center Infrastructure for Networking Engineers webinar.

23:36 Basic Docker Commands

In this section you'll learn how to start and kill a Docker container, attach to it, inspect its logs, execute extra commands in parallel with the regular container tasks, and map host directories in container directories.

Starting, Stopping and Removing Containers 12:05 2020-09-07

We used this script when recording this demo.

Mapping Host Directories into Containers 5:07 2020-09-07

We used this script when recording this demo. The container/volume cleanup script is here.

Basic Commands - Takeaways 6:24 2020-09-07

1:19:50 Linux Namespaces and Union Mount File Systems

It's time for a deeper look into Docker internals. This section describes:

  • How Docker uses process and user namespaces, mounts and union file systems
  • What Docker volumes and images are
  • A brief overview of Docker networking (more details in Docker Networking webinar)
Process Namespace 9:54 2020-11-02
User Namespace 11:23 2020-11-02
Mount Namespaces 14:26 2020-11-02
Union File Systems 8:33 2020-11-02
Docker Volumes 9:55 2020-11-02
Building a Docker Image 7:41 2020-11-02
Network Namespaces 17:58 2020-11-02

More Information

Namespace- and Overlay Volumes Demos

19:43 Infrastructure-as-Code with Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool that takes an application infrastructure definition file (in YAML format), and uses Docker API to build or create the required images, networks, and containers. This section provides an overview of Docker Compose and a typical usage scenario.

Docker Compose Basics 10:29 2020-11-13
Docker Compose Demo 9:14 2020-11-13

More Information

Docker Compose Demo Script

42:49 Docker Swarm High-Availability Cluster

In this section you'll learn the basics of Docker Swarm from the user-facing perspective (creating a swarm, starting container services, and using Docker Stack). Networking aspects of Docker Swarm are covered in Docker Networking webinar.

Docker Swarm Basics 13:37 2020-11-13
Starting Container Services in Docker Swarm 11:48 2020-11-13
Docker Stack 9:22 2020-11-13
Deployment Guidelines 8:02 2020-11-13

More Information

Docker Swarm and Docker Stack Demo Scripts

More Information

Exploring and Using Docker 15M 2020-05-12
Github repository with lab setup and demo scripts
Play with Docker online training

Worth Reading

Digging into Linux Namespaces (Part 1)
Digging into Linux Namespaces (Part 2)
Swarm vs Kubernetes: 2020 Update (by Nigel Poulton)
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