
PCI DSS for Engineers

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PCI DSS can be one of the most infuriating set of standards on the compliance landscape. While it seems simple - six domains and twelve requirements - the art of interpreting PCI can lead to full blown war in an organisation, with engineering at the center.

Last modified on 2023-12-01 (release notes)


PCI DSS for Engineers

18:11 Introduction

Introduction 8:03 2014-11-11
What is PCI DSS 7:24 2014-11-11
Importance of PCI DSS 2:44 2014-11-11

50:28 PCI DSS Deep Dive

PCI DSS 101 12:24 2014-11-11
Domains and Requirements 9:36 2014-11-11
PCI DSS 3.0 10:23 2014-11-11
Scoping 8:52 2014-11-11
Compensating Controls 9:13 2014-11-11

19:28 Conclusions

PCI DSS Myths 10:24 2014-11-11
Getting it Right 9:04 2014-11-11

Slide Deck

PCI DSS for Engineers 14M 2014-07-02
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