
Networking in Public Cloud Deployments - Spring 2020

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Networking in Public Cloud Deployments - Spring 2020

33:40 Course Introduction

This section describes:

  • How you should progress through the course;
  • Self-study materials and live sessions;
  • Hands-on exercises;
  • Detailed course contents
Course Overview 14:05 2020-02-11
Hands-on Exercises 10:13 2020-02-11
Course Content 9:22 2020-02-11
Slide Deck 14M 2020-02-11

1:58:46 Public Cloud Implications

In his presentation Joep Piscaer focused on high-level implications of public cloud services, why organizations think that public cloud is THE answer to their IT challenges, and the ways that introduction of public cloud into your environment will impact your work and your organization. He concluded with a few recommendations on what you should be doing to adapt to the new reality.

Introduction 23:41 2020-02-12
What Does Cloud Mean For You 14:17 2020-02-12
What Is DevOps 29:42 2020-02-12
DevOps - A New Way of Work 24:00 2020-02-12
Using Technology and Tools 14:45 2020-02-12
What Do You Need to Do 12:21 2020-02-12
Slide Deck 37M 2020-02-13

46:46 Case Study: Migrating Infrastructure into AWS

In summer 2019 we migrated most of the infrastructure into AWS, using a combination of VPC, EC2 and S3 to run a content web server and a static main web site.

The section also describes our integration with CloudFlare, and use of CloudFlare access to provide 2-factor authentication for management access and SSH sessions.

Existing Setup 9:44 2020-03-18
First Migration Steps 12:31 2020-03-18
Optimizing the Cloud Deployment 16:07 2020-03-18
Future Plans 8:24 2020-03-18
Slide Deck 3.1M 2020-02-10

2:17:08 Automating the Cloud

Ned Bellavance described cloud deployment automation using infrastructure-as-code tools. His presentation included:

  • Infrastructure-as-code concepts and tools;
  • Terraform basics;
  • Using Terraform with Azure;
  • Terraform and server configuration management;
  • Automating Terraform
Introduction 4:14 2020-03-05
Infrastructure as Code Concepts 24:47 2020-03-05
Infrastructure as Code Tools 13:05 2020-03-05
Introducing Terraform 34:07 2020-03-09
Using Terraform with Azure 22:36 2020-03-05
Terraform and Config Management 15:16 2020-03-05
Automating Terraform 23:03 2020-03-05
Slide Deck 2.3M 2020-02-25

29:31 Building Virtual Machine Images

Provisioning scale-out VM sets, or virtual machines without outside SSH access, is one of the more interesting public cloud deployment challenges.

This section describes potential solutions, the tools you could use to generate VM images, and a few hints on using Ansible for cloud VM provisioning.

Solutions Overview 10:40 2020-03-18
Installing Software 13:12 2020-03-18
Examples and Tool Guidelines 5:39 2020-03-18
Automating VM Deployments 4.4M 2020-03-01

Additional Solutions

Use dynamic User Data in Terraform to provision virtual machines
SSH Agent Forwarding in AWS

29:15 Deploying Network Virtual Appliances

Deploying redundant network virtual appliances in a public cloud virtual network is one of the hardest challenges you'll have to tackle in your public cloud networking journey.

Most network services appliances rely on tricks like layer-2 forwarding, IP address sharing, or static routing toward floating next-hop address to implement seamless failover. None of those tricks work in a typical public cloud environment... but don't despair; this section will outline most of the challenges you'll be facing, and give you a few design alternatives.

Network Virtual Appliance Challenges 16:04 2020-03-18
Sample High-Availability Designs 13:11 2020-03-18
Slide Deck 7.4M 2020-03-16

1:56:41 Storage in the Public Cloud

In this section, Howard Marks introduced the three types of cloud storage (object store, block storage, and file systems) and explained how the three major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP) implemented them.

In the second part of his presentation, Howard focused on on-premises gateways, data mover solutions, and on-ramps, concluding with a few cautionary tales.

Cloud Storage Is Different 28:17 2020-04-17
AWS Storage Basics 18:20 2020-04-17
Azure Storage Options 16:25 2020-04-17
GCP Storage 9:58 2020-04-17
Public Cloud Storage Limitations 12:40 2020-04-17
Gateways and Data Movers 16:48 2020-04-17
On-Ramps 8:45 2020-04-17
Wrap-up 5:28 2020-04-17
Storage in the Public Cloud Slide Deck 1.7M 2020-04-15

2:00:12 Public Cloud Security Considerations

In this section Matthias Luft reviewed the public cloud security groundwork detailed in Cloud Security webinar, and then dived into details needed to develop cloud security, establish zero-trust model, and interact with a cloud-native security team.

Cloud Security Recapitulation 22:52 2020-04-21
Cloud Security Caveats 11:01 2020-04-21
Cloud-Native Security Teams 17:42 2020-04-21
Cloud Network Security Models 20:46 2020-04-21
Zero-Trust Model 12:54 2020-04-21
Network Security versus Virtual Appliances 28:33 2020-04-21
Conclusions 6:24 2020-04-21

List of Crypto Resources Mentioned in the Videos

NIST recommendations for key management
Applied Crypto Hardening
Cryptographic Key Length Recommendation
SSL Configuration Generator

Slide Deck

Public Cloud Security Considerations 79M 2020-04-21

1:29:24 Resilient Cloud Design

Justin Warren started his Resilient Cloud Design presentation with the differences between hardware- and software resiliency, explained how to prepare for inevitable failure (including the consequences of CAP theorem), and concluded with a number of resiliency patterns you could use when designing your public cloud deployment.

History of Resiliency 14:43 2020-05-08
Understanding Failure 9:03 2020-05-08
CAP Theorem 12:55 2020-05-08
Preparing for Failures 20:25 2020-05-08
Resiliency Patterns 22:18 2020-05-08
Questions and Answers 10:00 2020-05-08
Resilient Cloud Design Slide Deck 68M 2020-05-08
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